RH Series
Baffin Island
We landed on a lonely strip of rocky land, where Lancaster Sound...
Beetles & Flowers
Beetles make up 25% of all known animal life-forms, with new species...
Desert Scapes
Big wide open spaces never fail to rev my imagination into a...
Driveway Series
I have a very long driveway, with wild unkempt fields on either...
Floral Studies
The world of plants offers me a wonderful respite from the chaos...
Form & Fog
During the months of August and September, if it’s going to be...
His Holiness The Dalai Lama
Many years ago I was invited to spend some time with the...
In My Backyard
While I travel the planet constantly, I’m still often amazed by the...
In The American West
For a kid growing up in Toronto, The American West represented a...
Iran Road Trip
A few years ago I added around five thousand miles to the...
Joshua Tree
Like many people, I was first drawn to Joshua Tree National Park...
Joshua Tree Ballet
I love dance, and have been mesmerized by the surreal sculptural rock...
Rob On The Road
This is a collection of random photographs that I’ve snapped in various...
The Great Pyramids Of Giza
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been enraptured by Egyptology,...
Where The Wild Things Are
On foot, our camping gear on our backs, my hosts and I...